By: L.N. Reklai

Bureau of Public of the Ministry of Health reports that Dengue fever cases continue to be seen at the Belau National Hospital.

According to the report, there had been 65 cases seen in the last three (3) months.  There were 31 cases in January, 32 cases in February and 2 so far this March.


Of the cases seen, 72% are from people residing in Koror and 9% in Airai.  Bureau of Public Health urges the public to take precaution against the spread mosquito born diseases by maintaining cleanliness around homes and using insect repellents. It also urges community-wide cleanups to eradicate potential mosquito breeding grounds.

BPH reports that “dengue fever is transmitted from human to human through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. This type of mosquito usually spawns and thrives in standing water. Trash and litter items such as empty bottles, cans, flower pots, and old tires that hold water should be discarded as they are potential breeding sites. Contrary to popular belief, the Aedes mosquito is not commonly found in larger bodies of water, wetlands, or ponds such as those located in Malakal.” [/restrict]