June 9, Sunday, 08:30-12:00 2024

Long Island Park, Koror

In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of Palau and the Republic of China (Taiwan), the ROC (Taiwan) Embassy, the Ministry of State, and the Ministry of Human Resources, Culture, Tourism and Development in collaborating with PVA, PNOC, and Koror State Government launch the Water Games Festival from 08:30-12:00 on June 9, Sunday 2024, at Ngermalk Long Island Park, Koror State.

The main theme of Water Games goes” United by the Ocean, Bound by the Friendship.” We hereby extend a cordial invitation to the general public and all walks of life in Palau to join us, to celebrate and to cheer for your teams. The event includes Water Sports Relay and Traditional Totangs Competition, and over 25 Teams will compete on the Waterway of the Long Island Park. While enjoying the seaside scenery and the games, you will also enjoy the live band, night market vendors’ foods and fun, and free souvenir. The event is worth a visit and a Sunday Morning joy.

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