Director Brian Melairei of the Bureau of Public Works: File Photo

Director of Bureau of Public Works (BPW) along with Chief of Division of Solid Waste Management (SWM) attended an annual regional steering committee meeting for Japanese technical cooperation project in Apia, Samoa.

Director Brian Melarai and Calvin Ikesiil were representing Palau in the meeting that aims at promotion of Regional Initiative on Solid waste Management in pacific island countries.

“Palau continues to lead the region in SWM initiatives from landfill management, 3R programs, support legislations and community and group-initiated efforts waste collection especially marine debris,” Melarai said.

The SWM, Koror State office are planning expanding the glass bottle and metal can recycling center with an ambition of making it a tourist attraction.

In previous interview with Island Times, Balty Sikyang who works as a supervisor for Community Education Section at SWM said, “It can be a form of tourism where tour companies can bring visitors over who can experience firsthand Palau’s recycling efforts.”

SWM is already providing glass courses for people and hopes to help out the local artists build their capacity to have their own small business.

Melarai hinted that these initiatives were spoken about in the meeting the duo attended. (Eshan Kalyanikar)