The Hatohobei State Legislature, during its Seventh Regular Session in September 2023, passed Resolution No. 10-7R-22, D1 to officially name Hatohobei State’s roads.

The resolution follows a wide-ranging survey conducted by the office of the Governor, engaging the people of Hatohobei Island to gather their preferences for the proposed names. After careful consideration and with the majority of the population in agreement, the Hatohobei State Legislature proudly provided the official names for various roads within the state that are organized by alphabet and named as follows: (A)Yarenap Road; (B)Yerewaur Ingetsih Way; (C)Yereri School Street; (D) Yeretahe Way; (E)Tawari Semum Way; (F) Yerewauri Peiye Place; and the Helen Reef Island road name is Hotsarihie Lane.

The Hatohobei State Legislature expresses its wholehearted support for these names, recognizing the importance of community participation in such decisions. The resolution further declares that the names are now the official designations for Hatohobei State roads.

The project is part of the National Street Naming and Address Project, which was mandated by RPPL 10-50 to develop a uniform national street and home address system for the nation. The Palau Automated Land and Resource Information System Office (PALARIS) of the Bureau of Budget and Planning in the Ministry of Finance is responsible for implementing this project. Each state government has the responsibility to adopt its street names and have them officially ratified.

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