The Hatohobei Women’s Association as part of the effort to increase food security and revive the traditional and cultural practices in reviving taro cultivation, is now implementing a new project called the “Home Gardening Project”. This project is led to increase food security and healthy diet of Hatohobei people living here in Koror.


On June 1, 2017 the Republic of Palau were enjoying the Presidents Day Holiday. Meanwhile, the Hatohobei Women’s Association were visiting 4 household in the Echang village with the help of the Hatohobei State Youth Organization and HOPE to expand and implement its home gardening project on food security. At each household they have been presented 2 small gardening beds along with local cabbage seedlings and other vegetable seedlings such as eggplant, tomato, chill pepper, cucumber, etc. The Hatohobei Women’s Association, Youth Organization and HOPE helped the household families to build and plant the vegetables in their gardening beds. The Hatohobei Women’s Association are promoting such project to increase the food security, a healthy diet, and to prevent NCD. It’s also teach families that healthy food they need to sustain a healthy family, can be planted and grow at their homes.  [/restrict]